Bradley Counseling Clinic LLC

Contact Us

Bradley Counseling Clinic can be reached during our regular business hours by phone.  If you are unable to reach us, and have a mental health emergency, please go to the nearest emergency room or dial 911.  If you have an urgent need to speak with a counselor outside of business hours, you may dial 855 202-0973 and speak with a qualified clinician.

If you have questions about our services, accepted forms of insurance, our facility, or our staff, please feel free to contact us during normal business hours by phone or use the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.

Call Us:  +1-208-283-2481

Office Hours

Wednesday -Friday  8:00am-3:00 pm

Closed  Saturday through Tuesday


1 208 283-2481


208 362-0549


Bradley Counseling Clinic, LLC

22 Creekside Ct

Garden Valley, ID 83622
